Envirogen modular biofilter technology delivers reliable, cost-effective performance for moderate air flow rates and sites requiring smaller system footprint treatment options. These automated, prefabricated fiberglass modular systems come in a range of standard configurations and can be adapted to flow, loading and site requirements – for both municipal and industrial biofilter applications. In some cases, they can be shipped with all media pre-installed and are easily installed at the site.
Envirogen modular biofilters feature the latest concepts in odor control and volatile organic compounds (VOC) control system design. They offer ease of installation, a high degree of automation, long media life and corrosion resistance – delivering excellent reliability, minimal operator attention and an overall low lifecycle cost.
Envirogen modular biofilter technology offers robust and sustainable solutions:
- Efficient contaminant destruction
- Reduced chemical usage and chemical storage
- Reduced energy usage
- Lower carbon footprint
- Lower overall emissions
- Adaptability to changing emission sources and levels
- Over 130 biofilter technology systems installed at over 90 locations
Key features:
- FRP construction without metal support structure (no corrosion)
- Long media life (guaranteed) – numerous media available with to 10-year warranty
- Ease of Installation (modular)
- “Drop and Start-up” (i.e., drop unit on pad, pre-loaded media)
- Single or dual-zone media tailored to air influent and treatment goals
- High degree of automation and process control

Biofilter technology that is sustainable and highly effective
Biofilters use naturally occurring microorganisms to treat air containing hydrogen sulfide (H2S) compounds, VOCs and other odorous substances. Foul air is collected and sent to the biofilter where microorganisms metabolize the target contaminants to clean the air stream.
Biofilter technology is ideally suited for contaminants that are low molecular weight, polar and readily biodegradable. They are particularly effective for low loading applications at high flow volumes. You can achieve removal ratios in excess of 95% for water soluble compounds and 90% for BTEX and similar compounds. Furthermore, biofilters are extremely effective in treating odors caused by H2S and other reduced sulfur compounds. Greater than 99+% H2S removal and 90+% odor removal are common.
Envirogen biological vapor phase treatment systems offer the following features:
- Cost effective – very low operating costs.
- Reliable – over 130 biofilter technology systems installed in over 90 locations.
- Simple operation – minimal maintenance.
- High removal efficiencies – useful for broad range of contaminants and can be combined with other treatment technologies to reduce costs and improve performance.
- Broad range of configurations – adaptable for different influent air and loading rates
As stand-alone systems or in combination with other emissions control technologies, Envirogen biofilters offer an inherently sustainable solution with ease of operation and very low operating costs.
Cylindrical biofilter (H-series)
Envirogen H-series are single media chamber systems that can be filled with inorganic media only or inorganic carbon impregnated and organic media, forming a dual zone treatment system. The H-series can be designed for H2S, reduced sulfur compounds (RSC) and volatile organic contaminant (VOC) removal. The H-series consists of round FRP vessels from 6’ to 12’ in diameter.
Biofilter box (P-series and B-series)
The P-series and B-series are FRP boxes that start at 8’ x 8’ and run up to 11’ x 52’. They can be configured as single or dual-zone ecosystems with media customised to target a single contaminant or multiple contaminants efficiently. The B-series is designed with easy access points and external piping for the irrigation system, improving the ease of maintenance and monitoring.
Industrial biofilter (I-series)
The I-series modular biofilters feature a small humidification chamber and/or treatment chamber for ammonia or other compounds, followed by a single or dual zone media chamber. These are similar to the Envirogen B-series with improved access and irrigation systems. These systems were primarily designed for industrial applications for VOC and other industrial emission control challenges. Our industrial biofilters are designed for air flows as low as 120 cfm up to 8,350 cfm per model dependent on the contaminant type and mass loading.
Envirogen experience
Further reading on biological treatment vapor
Speak to our team of experts to discover how biofilter technology can be used at your facility to safely destroy a broad range of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) and odor-causing chemicals.