Global Water Intelligence (GWI) have released their latest GWI Magazine. The cover of this month’s CTO Outlook section features an interview with Envirogen CEO Joe Higgins on opportunities within green hydrogen and local circular economies. A full copy of the interview is shown below. Alternatively, you can download a full version. Tackling tricky contaminants is [Continue Reading]
Global Water Intelligence (GWI) – Driving innovation for a greener future
Five reasons why you should choose a modular water treatment plant
Whether you’re softening water to protect downstream equipment or purifying water to use in your process, you’ll be changing water in a unique way to fit your unique requirements.
Is your water softener system a hidden cost?
Water hardness can cause major problems for businesses. A water softener system provides a straightforward solution, exchanging scale-forming ions, such as calcium and magnesium and replacing them with highly soluble sodium. But the benefits of water softeners, particularly conventional ones, can be outweighed by inefficiencies that lead to high running costs and erode their value.
Are you AMP7 ready?
As framework agreements from previous periods come to an end, water companies are scanning the marketplace to find new partners with innovative technology. The end goal: to improve customer service and lower bills, while ensuring the very best quality standards. Steve Parker, Technical Sales Manager at Envirogen Group, discusses the promising new solutions rising to meet AMP7.