Every manufacturing process is different and each site has its own unique challenges and a water treatment process that is specific to your production environment and to the people, products and places in which you operate.
The scoping and design stage is one of the most important aspects of creating a water process solution that solves the exact challenges at your specific site.
Of course, there are standard items of technology that will perform a particular task, such as reverse osmosis modules and dealkanisation vessels, but it’s how those technologies are chosen and integrated with existing systems that makes the optimal solution.
Creating the perfect solution in the virtual environment
We use some of the most advanced 3D modelling techniques to plan out our water treatment process, ensuring smooth integration and eliminating interface issues. Laser scanning equipment can measure exact dimensions of available space and existing machinery and uploads it to the virtual environment. Precise designs demonstrate the overall structure as well as providing the ability to drill down to the detail, ensuring that every pipe, pump and connection is accounted for.
Our customers have a complete picture of their new plant, with the tools to view the detail, providing the perfect space for complete collaboration. We believe that this is the only way to fully grasp customer requirements and ensure that all stakeholders have full input, understanding and sign off.
Experienced design engineers
We have a dedicated team of some of the best specialist water process engineers in the business. And our sales and design teams carry a wealth of hands on engineering know-how. From the initial discussions to the finished designs, our engineers are involved in discussions and meet with customers to ensure that the final solution is fit for purpose.
Case Study: 3D modelling in action at Britvic Beckton
Britvic approached us to help them solve a water treatment process efficiency problem at their Beckton site with a target for reducing their wastewater discharge volume. Thorough analysis of the bottling line made it clear that much bigger savings could be made through the reuse of high quality rinse water. 3D modelling enabled the team to demonstrate the proposed solution and exact processes that could be used to recycle water, whilst maintaining high quality standards.
The final solution enabled Britvic Beckton to make significantly higher efficiency savings, providing huge cost benefits.