Beer clarification is a critical, latter stage of the beer manufacturing process. Clarification is also a critical, latter stage of wine, cider and vinegar manufacturing processes. It’s here that suspended solids and microorganisms are removed to reduce haze, produce a standardised taste profile and improve shelf life.
However, many manufacturers are still relying on traditional two-stage clarification systems, adding diatomaceous earth to the product and removing yeast and other larger particles through sheet filtration. These manual methods can introduce inconsistencies, create large waste streams and require labour-intensive cleaning protocols, all of which can increase operating costs and reduce yields.
To help beer manufacturers tackle specific beer clarification challenges, Envirogen has launched PureSep MF 600: a single-step, membrane filtration solution specifically designed to improve beer quality and consistency while reducing costs and waste streams. Bill Denyer, European CEO, Envirogen, explains the science behind this innovation, the latest addition to the well-established PureSep MF range.
“PureSep MF 600 is built on the back of our PureFlow filtration system and the company’s long legacy of providing total water treatment and process filtration solutions to the food and beverage industry through the PureSep MF range. Recently, we have seen a clear need for a dedicated clarification system that meets the brewing industry’s unique challenges. Years of installing, optimising and commissioning filtration systems across a wide range of processes have culminated in the development of the PureSep MF 600. This modular, skid-based system meets the flow rates demanded in this fast-paced industry while delivering higher quality standards and considerable cost savings.”

PureSep MF 600 is a single-step beer membrane filtration (BMF) system, using unique Envi-BMF hollow-fibre membranes to remove microorganisms and suspended solids, in place of a two-step diatomaceous earth and sheet filtration solution. The resulting clarified beer has greater stability and a more standardised profile, helping manufacturers to achieve consistently high and repeatable quality.
“Each PureSep MF 600 system is customised according to the manufacturer’s exact needs,” Denyer continues. “The compact design has a small footprint for easy integration with existing processes but can achieve flow rates of up to 220 hectolitres per hour. Each BMF system comes skid-mounted for straightforward installation and commissioning, minimising disruption on manufacturing sites. In most cases, we can install PureSep MF 600 without stopping production lines.”
“PureSep MF 600 is one of many of our modular solutions, systems which are developed to adapt and expand with manufacturers as they grow and develop their operations. Additional membranes can be fitted to increase flow rates and separate feed and filtrate tanks or filtrate back-pulse units can be inserted for more challenging products. Manufacturers receive the customisation they need to meet their exact requirements and brand standards without the cost of a fully bespoke solution.”
Once in place, the PureSep MF 600 can be operated as a standalone unit or fully integrated with supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems for complete control and even remote monitoring.
Unlike traditional systems, PureSep MF 600 requires no manual cleaning with hazardous chemicals, helping to protect workers and remove risks on site. With no additional filtration consumables or additives, operating costs are further reduced. With reduced waste streams, automated clean-in-place (CIP) protocols and low energy demand, the system delivers one of the lowest operating costs for clarification technology, helping brewers to protect their bottom line.
“It’s not all about operating costs,” explains Denyer. “PureSep MF 600 offers one of the lowest capital expenditures per unit of surface area for any beer clarification system. Short payback periods ensure that manufacturers take full benefit of the efficiency savings. We fully anticipate that membrane filtration will become the clarification technique of choice across the brewing industry, the benefits are simply too great.”
For a free assessment to evaluate water treatment and process filtration solutions for your site, contact our team of expert engineers