Whether you’re softening water to protect downstream equipment or purifying water to use in your process, you’ll be changing water in a unique way to fit your unique requirements.
But generating unique water profiles doesn’t mean expensive bespoke designs and tailor-made industrial water equipment. Next-generation modular water treatment plants, such as Envirogen’s EcoRange, are adaptive, making use of tried and tested technology but tailored to your specific requirements. Our EcoRange systems offer five clear benefits over bespoke designs: flexibility, speed, low total cost of ownership, efficiency and multi-site consistency and scalability.
EcoRange modular water treatment plants are flexible and future-proofed
When our expert process engineers are invited to carry out system health checks, issues can often be pinpointed to specific areas within the water treatment plant. These issues can have wide-reaching effects further along production processes. If the equipment can’t be modified, repaired or refurbished, then a modular water treatment plant can often be the perfect solution. EcoRange systems simply slot into place, wherever they are needed, pre-programmed to operate within strict parameters to achieve the exact water quality that your business needs. Water standards and site issues are solved while CAPEX is reduced.
EcoRange modular water treatment plants aren’t just for replacements and refurbishments. We build new, entire process water systems using EcoRange equipment. Unlike bespoke systems, modular equipment is instantly scalable, with standard connections and components designed to work together. If future needs change, sites expand or relocate or equipment needs upgrade or modernisation, your water treatment plant can grow and adapt. Simply add new units, include different water treatment or process filtration technology or upgrade to higher specification models as your water profile needs evolve.
EcoRange water systems are all about speed
Industrial and manufacturing operations are fast-paced, leaving little time for maintenance, and planned downtime slots are few and far between. The key to installing new equipment with minimal disruption is to test and commission off-site. Industrial water equipment should be ready to use, with minimal site work and pre-defined and tested performance characteristics.
Our EcoRange modular water treatment plants come skid-mounted, pre-piped, pre-wired, pre-tested and pre-commissioned prior to despatch. Each compact system, from water softening systems to reverse osmosis and advanced deionisation technology, is set to your defined water profile and simply slides into place to ‘plug and play’ for final factory acceptance testing. We often run the new system in parallel with the old treatment plant during testing and the simple switchover means little or no downtime.
Because EcoRange systems are pre-engineered with standard parts, they take less time to design, procure and produce. Faster delivery times mean that the system is in place quicker and delivering a return on investment. Bespoke systems can take many months to design and scope, often involving tailor-made parts, which add to the complexity, cost and delivery timeframes.
Low risk, tried and tested efficiency
EcoRange equipment is based on tried, tested and dependable technology, delivering a low-risk solution. Complex bespoke installations can be vulnerable to delays as on-site construction impacts on day-to-day processes and often leads to additional costs. EcoRange systems are pre-engineered off-site, so they can slot into place and be running in a matter of hours.
EcoRange technology is proven to deliver the best results time and time again. Our key designs have evolved to make use of the latest advances in water treatment technology and meet the changing needs of our customers.
Learn how Coca-Cola European Partners (CCEP) achieved 90% water recovery rates with modular reverse osmosis technology while meeting their precise KORE standards for ingredient water.
With an ever-increasing focus on climate change and related corporate social responsibility (CSR) issues, EcoRange equipment often contains the latest water and energy saving knowhow. The modular water treatment plants in our EcoRange contain products with market-leading efficiencies, such as our EcoSave water softener system that uses up to 60% less salt and 80% less water than conventional softening systems or our EcoRO reverse osmosis system that includes an optional recovery array to increase water efficiency from 75% – 90%.
Straightforward service and maintenance for a low total cost of ownership
With standardised parts and uniform design layouts, EcoRange systems make service and maintenance tasks straightforward.
When maintenance checks are due, standardised parts and components, consumables and auxiliary equipment are readily available. The availability of these stock parts is particularly important when evaluating the total cost of ownership of the plant. Only when plants are running to maximum efficiency and low-cost, quality consumables can be replaced exactly when you need them, can you achieve a low total cost of ownership. An EcoRange system has straightforward service and maintenance at the heart of its design and will continue to deliver operational efficiency and payback.

Multi-site control, consistency and scalability
EcoRange modular water treatment plants are flexible in their design. We offer a large range of models and sizes across our standard industrial water equipment. EcoRange includes water softeners, deionisers and demineralisation and reverse osmosis systems. Each model has parameters for both flow rate and water composition and can be combined with other EcoRange models to achieve the full water profile needed. Additional units can be added, upgraded or removed quickly to match changing process water needs. Flexibility and cost efficiencies are realised through adaptability.
A well-designed EcoRange system will have adaptability built-in, enabling adjustment and fine-tuning to deliver a particular water profile, even when incoming water streams vary.
Differing water quality requirements need different pre-treatment. With an adaptable EcoRange system, variances in incoming water flows or upstream equipment can be accommodated to ensure a consistent process water quality downstream. By choosing an EcoRange system, businesses with different geographical sites can lock-in consistency, demonstrating the same high levels of quality no matter where the process takes place.
EcoRange systems can offer benefits over bespoke designs, whatever the size of your operation, including flexibility, speed, low total cost of ownership, efficiency and multi-site consistency.
EcoRange is our core range of modular industrial water equipment, from water softening systems to reverse osmosis and advanced deionisation technology. Our entire EcoRange is available with comprehensive service and maintenance support packages.
For a FREE, no-obligation assessment on how you can save energy, water, waste and money, contact our team of expert engineers